Book List 2024: Everything Now

Past Book Lists: 2023, 2022, 2021 2024 was a roller coaster of a year and so was my reading, but I am pleased to report that I once again surpassed my goal of reading 60 books in the year and reached a total of 65! It honestly might’ve been more but three key factors conspired…

DIY: Frame for Pictures

Have you ever been looking for inspo and stumble across something and think to yourself, “I think I have all the supplies to make that!”? Well, that’s pretty much what happened with this project that I took on for our Engagement Party. And by “I took on”, I mean that I ended up needing Mr….

SEED: Streamers Engaged on Earth Day

Harnessing the power of collective action to make an impact? Let’s Goooo! As Earth Day 2024 approaches, some of us who are involved in the fight against climate change are finding new ways to inspire hope and motivate action. We believe that the only way to “win” is to get more people engaged- we CAN…

Book List 2023: Challenge Accepted

This year’s reading challenge had it’s ups and downs, and I am pleased to share that I surpassed my goal of reading 60 books in 2023 by reading 63! My nonfiction reads increased by quite a bit, helped by a number of memoirs listened to on audiobook. I also finished several fantasy series and started…

Living The Dream Via Stream

After one of the most hectic summers I’ve had in years, the cooling temperatures bring with them a slowing down of activity. Not a full stoppage or anything near it, but turning down the metaphoric volume and giving myself the space and time to breathe. Breathe and reflect. I’m now 10 months into my streaming…

One Month Into Stream Life

Ruthfull’s Art Corner streams Mondays & Wednesdays on twitch! Now that I have a full month (and some change) of streaming under my belt, I decided it was time to do a little reflection. After all, I had not realized how deep of a rabbit hole I was launching myself into and so deciding whether…

An Act Of Submission

It’s one thing to hole up in your studio and turn the visions in your head into real things that other people can see, and it’s an entirely different thing to let those other people actually see the things you made. As an artist, I’ve never had a problem showing my work (or pictures of…

Process Problems

At the beginning of 2017, I started a new newspaper mosaic piece and I quickly became aware that I’d unintentionally given myself some new challenges to work through. Every artist deals with challenges, that’s nothing new. The task we’ve taken on is one of expressing our truths, and since we each have a unique perspective,…