After one of the most hectic summers I’ve had in years, the cooling temperatures bring with them a slowing down of activity. Not a full stoppage or anything near it, but turning down the metaphoric volume and giving myself the space and time to breathe. Breathe and reflect. I’m now 10 months into my streaming…
One Month Into Stream Life
Ruthfull’s Art Corner streams Mondays & Wednesdays on twitch! Now that I have a full month (and some change) of streaming under my belt, I decided it was time to do a little reflection. After all, I had not realized how deep of a rabbit hole I was launching myself into and so deciding whether…
Brain Food: 2021 Book List
A dear friend gave me a used kindle at the start of 2021, and it turned out to be a tremendous gift, though at the time I accepted it grudgingly. I had always preferred physical books to their digital versions- the heft of a hardcover, the act of turning pages, that book store smell. But…
Look For The Helpers
***Please note this studio sale has ended*** TL;DR – I’m having a studio clearance and donating half of the proceeds to 3 awesome non-profits! Scroll to the bottom to contact me if you are interested in buying one of these pieces (or any pieces)! Prints Available at Reduced Prices: My i ❤️ LA Upcycled Thomas…
pARTicipation Trophies 2.0
Collaboration is one of my favorite things, and I’m one of the luckiest humans in the system to have opportunities to collaborate with one of my favorite people, my partner, Michael Lewis. We recently teamed up again to create a custom Art Trophy, commissioned by a long-time Ruthfull patron. This patron had previously commissioned “Madhu’s…
Book Review: Warhol on Basquiat
Warhol on Basquiat: The Iconic Relationship Told in Andy Warhol’s Words & Pictures It’s hard to know where to begin when discussing this fascinating book and the dynamic story it tells. The book itself is presented chronologically, starting with the initial meeting of Andy Warhol and Jean Michel Basquiat and concluding with their deaths several…
Show Time!
Solo Show! Friday 11/1- Saturday 11/30 at: Talon Tap & Wine, 1353 Colorado Blvd, Eagle Rock, CA Artist’s reception on Friday November 1st, 2019 from 7-10pm! Ok, now that we have the important details out of the way, I can talk a little bit about this upcoming solo show! As I mentioned in my blog…
Proud to be an Ally
*For the entire month of June 2019, I am donating 50% of my sales from the Rainbow Heart logo to The Trevor Project.* The need to stand with our fellow humans against discrimination and hate is great right now. The need to be vocal about our support of others is strong. The need to do…
An Act Of Submission
It’s one thing to hole up in your studio and turn the visions in your head into real things that other people can see, and it’s an entirely different thing to let those other people actually see the things you made. As an artist, I’ve never had a problem showing my work (or pictures of…
Stuck on Santa
If you live in a large US city, you probably have an opinion about Santacon, an event that happens in early December and is a jolly good time or an obnoxious nuisance, depending on that opinion. The general consensus in both NYC and SF has trended towards the obnoxious in recent years as the event…